Cal/OSHA Proposed Workplace Violence Prevention Rules Muddy the Waters

Posted on: September 17th, 2024 by Leaders' Choice Staff No Comments

Cal/OSHA has proposed new regulations that would incorporate California’s new workplace violence prevention law — which took effect July 1 — into Title 8, the set of regulations that covers workplace safety in the Golden State. However, the proposed rules add a number of new requirements that some safety observers say would be unworkable in […]

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EEOC Issues Construction Industry Harassment Prevention Guidance

Posted on: September 10th, 2024 by Leaders' Choice Staff No Comments

The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has issued new guidance for preventing harassment on construction industry worksites. The guidance, while not binding, can be used as a template for construction firms to implement anti-harassment policies. According to the EEOC, the industry has an especially high incidence of harassment complaints, and “some of the most egregious incidents […]

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Cal/OSHA Proposed Rules Would Impose Large Penalties for ‘Egregious,’ ‘Enterprise-Wide’ Violations

Posted on: September 3rd, 2024 by Leaders' Choice Staff No Comments

Cal/OSHA is working on new rules that would crack down and step up enforcement and penalties against California employers that commit “egregious” and “enterprise-wide” workplace safety violations. The forthcoming rules would impose substantial penalties on companies that have shown a disregard towards California workplace safety regulations and the wellbeing of their employees. Employers that are […]

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