How Flowers and Candy Can Lower Your Workers’ Compensation Costs

Posted on: October 25th, 2011 by Leaders' Choice Staff No Comments

get well soon workers comp lower paymentsHere’s the deal. Your worker gets injured and files for Workers’ Compensation and your insurer sends out a standard letter explaining benefits.

That’s great. That’s how it works. You’re covered.

But, and it’s a big but there is a way that can reduce the time your worker spends recovering, it’s called caring about them and letting them know it.

Let’s face it,  people who feel wanted and appreciated tend to go the extra mile for you and in the case of a Workers’ Compensation claim, making them feel missed and needed is a great way to get them back on the job quicker, with a much better sense of purpose.

What are some easy ways to show your employees that you care?

  • A card,
  • A well timed phone call of concern, 
  • A pot of soup, 
  • Some flowers or candy, 

Basically any gesture or series of gestures that tell your worker that they are more than just some faceless employee is a great way to build morale and get them wanting to return to work as soon as they are able.

It’s both the right thing to do and, as it turns out, it will reduce the claim and save you money.

At Leader’s Choice Insurance, we want to help you lower your workers’ compensation policy rates as low as possible. Making your employees feel emotionally happy as well as physically safe is always our goal. Learn more by subscribing to our blog, asking us specific questions or just initiate your conversation by clicking the button below and getting a quick and accurate workers’ compensation quote by one of our professionally trained staff.
